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Minutes of the Board Meeting of 4/25/24

The Garden Club of Windham

Minutes of Board Meeting 4/25/2024


Call to order – 7:03 pm, Barbara Wright, co-chair, presiding

In Attendance – Jean de Smet, Faith Kenton, Jay Osborne, Daniel Phipps, Ursula Roskoski, Debbie Stoloff, Carole Williamson, Barbara Wright.

Purpose of this meeting was to make decisions on financial actions that are pending.

Financial Report – Barbara mentioned that there is nothing new to report since the annual meeting except for the deposit of $2700 into the GC checking account. These funds were granted to the GC by the WVNA (Willimantic Victorian Neighborhood Association) as requested by Faith for the purpose of funding payment of wages to a garden tender for the High Street Hillside garden for this summer.

Financial Actions

1.) to approve contract to hire Karrie Kirchner as garden tender for $2700 using the WVNA grant. Contract was attached to agenda for members to peruse beforehand.

a. motion made to approve by Jay

b. second motion made by Dan

c. discussion: Jay asked how it would be handled if materials were needed by the tender; Faith

replied that plants come from members’ gardens and mulch is supplied by the town. Debbie asked how it would be handled if tender was unable to work for some reason: sickness or weather; Faith replied that Karrie would keep a log of hours worked, she is also willing to solicit help from GC members who may wish to assist. Dan asked who would supervise the quality of the work; Faith replied that Barbara Gibson has agreed to act as liaison in that regard.

d. vote: motion was approved unanimously

2.) to approve $1500 to fund the GOB block party on Memorial Day, May 27th. The Friends suggest that the Club pay $750 and the Friends pay $750 and any unused funds will be returned 50/50.

a. motion made to approve by Carole

b. second motion made by Debbie

c. discussion centered on some of the details of the block party, such as entertainment and

food; a suggestion was made to have a donation table and/or a raffle to recoup some of the expenses of the event.

d. vote: motion was approved unanimously

3.) to approve registration.

a. discussion: This is a replacement for the old DUNS number, a way to validate the legitimacy

of businesses and non-profits. We are looking at this in response to UConn, which wants our

registration number because we are sub-awardees of their EPA project. Future grants for the club or the GOB could require it.

b. Barbara stated that this item is now a non-issue. It was put on the agenda as it was originally

believed that the cost is $599 for this year, $899 per year in future, or $2895 for five years. She has since discovered that the registration can be filed at no cost and she is willing to follow through on it.

4.) to approve payment to mason Marc Kelley of $8000 for GOB planter repairs.

a. motion made to approve by Dan

b. second motion made by Ursula

c. discussion: GOB got a grant from DEEP to cover the repairs, which will run about $8,000. The grant obligates us to do the repair, the grant runs through the town, and finances are being handled by Jordan Lumpkins, from Jim Bellano’s office.

d. vote: motion was approved unanimously

5.) A heads-up, no vote: the Friends are looking to hire a landscape designer for the replanting of the Bridge once repairs are complete. The designer may run $1,000, give or take. The question was raised about why the GC should hire a landscape designer when there are members of the club who could undertake this project. Dan replied that the decision was made to hire an outside designer to reduce the potential for future conflicts within the club.

Next Meeting – TBD

Adjourned – 8:00 pm

Respectfully submitted by Ursula Roskoski, secretary


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